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Anyone who knows us, knows that animal rescue has been close to our hearts for a while now. We were happy to have Liz with Eddiemarie Photography take some pictures at the parlor. We couldn't have pictures without our own rescue dog, Belle getting a pup cup. I absolutely love this face.
She came to us from Texas after being in a rescue down there for almost 5 months after being hit by a car. She was degloved from her front shoulders back, mangled right hip, and lost some teeth. Belle was our first foster. We have loved her since the day we picked her up, and knew we were her forever home.
This is what rescue does. They take deserving animals like Belle, get them fixed up, and find the perfect forever home for them. Animal rescue takes a lot of money and volunteers to make it work. Hero's Haven Animal Rescue is looking for more fosters to be able to help the many animals still waiting. If you are interested, please reach out. Can't foster, but interested in helping? There are other ways to volunteer and help!
If you would like to donate to help animals like Belle and our other fosters, Hero's Haven has Venmo, PayPal, and other ways to do that. You can check out the available animals for adoption on the website or Facebook page!


Pebbles adopted into her forever home

Kernel adopted into his forever home

Our latest foster fail, and Belle's official 4 legged sister!

Connor is now adopted into his forever home

Gordon (Now Gunner) adopted into his forever home
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